Thursday, June 26, 2008


So I have been here on the island of Heimaey for almost 2 weeks now and it's been far too interesting to sit inside a library and write a blog. I have a bit of catching up to do. First, the ferry ride from Thorklashofn (pronounced) Thorklashob was a filled with wonder and epiphany for me. I realized that I am at my best while in motion. Whether traveling by train, boat, car or bus (not plane) is when my spirit is in its closest harmony with the motions of the spheres. In short, I need to figure out how to keep doing this.
The Westman Islands, of which Heimaey is the largest and only populated island of the 15 islands, are located southwest of the mainland by only about 5 km, but the ferry ride is much longer as it comes from farther northeast instead of straight across. This means it's less than an hour's bus ride from Reykjavik to the ferry port in Thorklashofn and then about 2 hours and forty minutes on the ferry. The day I took it, the sea was smooth as glass. I spent nearly the whole time on deck at the stern. My sea legs were pretty reliable from the get go, but then again, they weren't tested too much. After about 2 hours of just water, one begins to see their life anew as well as some of the rock outcroppings which are all volcanic eruptions, as is the island I will call home for the next three months. Heimaey means Home Island. The entry into the harbor is stunning.

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