Thursday, June 5, 2008

Getting ready to go

Hi Friends_
A couple of people suggested I blog from Iceland while I am there this summer. It seems like a fun idea. I am new to this however, so bear with me as I figure it out. 

I leave for Iceland on June 12th and will hopefully be hooked up to the internet soon after. The University of Iceland Vestmannaeyjar Research Center (who is providing my grant) is providing me with a "workspace" which will hopefully include an internet connection. However, I hope to spend most of my time outdoors experiencing the island and its nature, hopefully in the way that my main character, Julia, a biochemist, would experience it. I plan to take lots of pictures and even do a little filming with my Kinoflex Super 8 camera as well as my digital video camera. We'll see how it goes posting these films and photos to the blog, but I will try.

I am growing with anticipation, a little nervous, but mostly really excited. Until next time_

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