Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Boat Tour

"doorway to the sky"

"The Elephant"

"entering cave"

"cave wall"

Viking Tours offers this amazing boat tour around the island. The only tour which takes you inside the caves and finishes with a free concert inside a cave courtesey of the Captain. As an added bonus. I had Sonja with me (she often goes out on the boat) giving me a personal tour of the magma, the tuff and the besalt, in all it's many formations and incarnations. Each ridge of the tuff is a seperate eruption. Each seperate island (there are 15 of the Westmann Islands - of which only Heimaey is inhabited by people) is a series of volcanic eruptions. Some which take place beneath the water producing the tuff because of the vapor which goes into the magma, and once above water, the besalt, which is the same chemistry, but different in form due to the lack of vapor (water). Sonja will come along and correct this later - I'm sure I've got something wrong - but that's pretty close. What more can I say. Another amazing day in and around Heimaey.

"inside sea cave"

"ceiling of sea cave"

"cave ceiling"

"aqua waters"

"bird apartments"

"sea cave serenade"

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