Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What To Do When The Sky 'Aint Blue - A Partial List

What to do when the sky 'aint blue (which it wasn't the entire month of July save for 4 days - I counted, it wasn't hard)

• finally catch up on those shows you missed from 1979 (can you believe Blake Carrington has the nerve to say "Fallon, I can't abide people who profit off of other people's misery." Sheesh! That's the pot calling the kettle.

• swim in the indoor pool
• sit in the outdoor hotpots

• watch Icelandic cover video of "Maniac"

• find out if you can still draw

• cook

• read the Sound and the Fury, on second thought don't (might induce suicide) read Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man instead

• feed horses

• allow your main character to become morbidly depressed and to carry on about it in increasingly fragmented abstract monologues
• allow elves into your play to make it more fun

• watch amazing sunsets

• have staring contests with sheep

• finally write that play about the Corsair Pirate Raid of 1627 the library wants you to write, but do it your way

• start drinking again
• stop caring how many time the girl at the one and only wine store has seen you in a week

• learn Icelandic: Takk=Thanks, Takk fyrir= Thanks for that, Anod Vold= Another Evening, as in Law and Order is on tv another evening when you won't be watching, Nuna= Now, as in The Biggest Loser, and Dr. Phil (not the same show) or guy sharpening a sythe are on now; Naest= Next, as in Jay Leno is naest - except the show is from April

• attempt to read the Sagas

• smoke too much despite prohibitive cost and large and scary warning sign in exotic language, but nevertheless completely understood

•Listen o the constant screaming, howling voice of the wind and understand completely the existence of ghosts, trolls and elves in he minds of early settlers

• plan a trip to Paris

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